Remember mindfulness was something they used to laugh about? That time is over and everybody should be into it.
Taking control of your body, mind, and mindset is something very important in the digital era where everything is pre-set and we’re slowly disconnecting from ourselves.
With mindfulness, we can restore that connection and repair our minds.
So if you only want to read five books about it, these are the ones you should read. A collection of books about mindfulness in general, meditation, habits and not giving a f*ck about what other people think.
Take your advantage.
1. The Miracle of Mindfulness
The Miracle of Mindfulness shows you how to practice mindfulness and how living in the present, instead of the past will make you happier.
Thich Nhat Hanh, a Buddhist monk, talks and writes about how to develop mindfulness abilities.
We can slow down our lives and learn to live in the now once we have these abilities. His tips and tricks allow us to arrive at deeper self-understanding and serenity.
Read this book to get started.
2. The Mindful Brain
The mindful brain is a book by Daniel J. Siegel, and it’s the first book where mindfulness and neuroscience are combined in research.
It is this new approach to not just mental health but also to life in general that demonstrates to readers how personal awareness and attunement may truly trigger emotional circuits in the brain, hence improving mental health and overall well-being.
This book is mostly recommended for the ones who are interested in the neuroscientific processes behind mindfulness.
3. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
In this book, a blogger cuts through the fluff to teach us how to quit striving to be positive all of the time and instead become better, happier people in our own right.
One of the most important points in this book is that typical self-help advice, such as telling you to imagine success and think about the sort of person you want to be, just serves to reinforce the sense that you are not that person.
And I think the title makes clear that if you have the ability to not give a f*ck about the agony necessary to achieve your objectives, you will be unstoppable.
4. Atomic Habits
Habits form us for most of our daily lives. With this book, you’ll learn everything about it.
The reason why bad behaviors recur time and time again is not that you don’t want to change, but rather because you are using the incorrect method for change.
You do not perform at the level of your objectives. You are brought down to the level of your systems.
You’ll learn about a tried-and-true strategy that can lead you to new heights.
5. The Mountain Is You
The Mountain Is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery, is a book about sabotaging one’s own efforts. Why we do it, when we do it, and how to quit doing it, permanently, are all important questions to consider.
Self-sabotaging conduct is the result of coexisting but competing wants. This is why we reject efforts to change, frequently to the point where they become entirely worthless.
Using critical insights from our most destructive habits, develop emotional intelligence through a better understanding of our brains and bodies.
Letting go of past experiences at the cellular level, and learning to act as our highest potential future selves, we can go our own way and step into our potential.