Bryan Dijkhuizen

4 Reasons to Start Taking Cold Showers Today

I never feared the cold. When I was 7–8 years old, my parents used to take my sister and me to a lake to walk around on the beach. The water was cold. But my sister and I both liked to jump in the water anyway — we still do this when possible. Later on, I found […]

What Does Wim Hof Breathing Do? The Wim Hof Method Explained

The Wim Hof Breathing method, named after its creator, Wim Hof, is a unique practice that combines specific breathing techniques, cold exposure, and meditation. This method has gained significant attention for its potential to influence the autonomic nervous system and the mind-body connection. Understanding the Wim Hof Breathing Method The Wim Hof Breathing method is […]

The Reversed Wim Hof Method

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Have you heard of Wim Hof? You must have if you follow me longer than a week. I’ve published several pieces about the Wim Hof Method and how that improved a lot of things in my life. As he states on his website: “The Wim Hof Method can be defined by its simple, easy-to-apply approach […]

4 Best Things About Taking Cold Showers

4 Best Things About Taking Cold Showers

Cold showers have been gaining popularity lately and for good reason. In addition to providing a quick burst of energy and refreshment, cold showers have several benefits that make them worth considering. From improved physical health to increased mental clarity, there are many reasons why cold showers could be an excellent addition to your daily […]

3 Lessons to Learn from ‘The Wim Hof Method’

Using a combination of breathing, cold treatment, and dedication, the Wim Hof Method may help you connect more intimately with your body. In his book, he explicitly described how to get healthier, avoid stress and become a better version of yourself by applying his techniques that have been scientifically proven to work for everyone. Here […]

I Dropped My Average Heartbeat By Applying The Wim Hof Method

Stress is something that’s chasing us all. Everyone experiences stress from time to time, but what if it lasts longer, is severe, or you experience stress symptoms? Severe stress symptoms contribute to the development of burnout, depression, or anxiety disorder. You want to be ahead of that. Are you worried about your stress level, and […]