You need a soulmate for a partner.
If you’re dating someone that isn’t your best friend, it’s unlikely that you are going to make it.
The problem with soulmates is they’re hard to find.
If not impossible.
You need not only someone who finds you attractive, likes your personality, but also someone who really loves you, deeply inside and who can be your best friend as well.
It’s not just love and sex. It’s also about truth, mental caretaking and getting on the same emotional level.
That said, soulmates don’t need much to understand each other.
Everything they do, feel, or say feels natural and doesn’t require much explanation. Sometimes words aren’t even needed to make something clear.
My girlfriend is my soulmate.
Here’s what I tweeted last week about it:
Soulmates never need a lot of work in their relationships. Everything feels natural.
— Bryan Dijkhuizen (@bryandijkh) May 6, 2023
It’s all good vibes and loving each other. Talking goes easy and there are never uncomfortable silent moments. Only peace.
The Keys to a Happy Relationship
My girlfriend and I were 15 and 16 at the time and ever since we got together, much has happened. We graduated, moved out to a completely different city, and went to college.
Once we started living together, things changed.
We grew our own life together and weren’t tied to our parents anymore. After being together for a longer period of time, you learn certain things about relationships — you can spot errors with others as well.
1) Get your communication right
“You can talk with someone for years, everyday, and still, it won’t mean as much as what you can have when you sit in front of someone, not saying a word, yet you feel that person with your heart, you feel like you have known the person for forever.” – C. JoyBell C.
There are so many relationships out there that just don’t communicate. It’s basically the first layer of your relationship that you need to get covered so once you neglect to have it, your relationship is going down the drain.
New relationships nowadays aren’t working because communication isn’t there.
Try to speak about the things that are bothering you and listen to your partner — relationships have their difficult sides as well and realistically, you will have them any time soon.
2) Don’t hurt each other
Might sound a little too obvious. But you’re surprised how often it goes wrong.
Hurting each other in a relationship is really not done.
Of course, in a brand new (or long-term) relationship, you can have arguments with your partner. That’s perfectly normal and even healthy to express your frustration about certain things from time to time.
But you would never say deeply offensive things to offend your partner. That should not be the goal, that is really a toxic trait.
Talk it out with your partner, give each other a hug and try to learn lessons from it instead of making it worse.
3) It’s you against the world
No matter what’s happening, you’re both on the same team.
Don’t let each other down, at any time. If you are at parties together, or just out there in public, support each other when needed.
That’s what defines powerful relationships.
If you can’t even bring yourself to be there for each other, or take the side of another, you know that maybe you need to start talking about your relationship.
It really hurts.
Check out this article about open-minded people I wrote yesterday, it’s only a 5-minute read!
The Soulmate Theory
People tell me that soulmates don’t exist.
I don’t agree.
But it’s very hard to find one.
That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pursue it. Try to find a partner that complements your qualities and makes you a better human. Don’t get into a toxic relationship again. It’s not worth it.
You’re worth more than all the superficiality out there.
– Bryan Dijkhuizen