Hey friends! It’s Bryan from Medium and Newsbreak!
Back in the 16th century, Galileo Galilei tried to tell the people around him that the earth was turning around the sun and not that our planet was the center of the universe. (That’s what everybody thought back then).
It’s this model (by Copernicus)
People didn’t believe him and he got ‘cancelled’. Just like many controversial people nowadays. It’s the same.
But he was right about this as science turned out later.
It’s a dangerous space of speaking out about certain topics that could harm your social status. You’re starting to think about what’s socially accepted and not.
The same with other social standards.
We made that up. There’s no rule in nature that we should be polite and shake hands or something, we’ve been doing it for ages and it doesn’t make sense. You can read more about that here.
But that doesn’t solve it.
The System
The system always wins. Period.
Nobody that has every challenged the system successfully whether you like it or not and it’s not a good idea to try it. Instead, blend into the system without going along.
If that makes sense.
You can use the system to benefit from it yourself. Use the services and tools the current systems provide and build your own perfect life.
The system encourages us to be predictable.
- Being born
- Going to school
- More school
- Office job
- Retire
- Die
That’s the predictable path.
But what if you want to do something else? Many people don’t like that. They get suspicious, they don’t trust you and often the people around you don’t have the faith in you that you’re able to make it big.
“Why not?” That’s what I say.
If you’re like me and a lot of other people around me on the internet and want to learn more about this. Join me on Medium & Twitter and you’ll be able to get my content for free.
Bonus Content
- 5 Truths That Hurt — But Help You Live A More Balanced Life is an article on my own website that you can read for free. It gives you an insight in things in life that aren’t told enough.
- Want to put your productivity on steroids? Grab your free cot of the 2-minute bullet journaling template by Neeramitra Reddy