I’m autistic.
That’s nothing new. I’ve been quite open about this for years and also in my writing, I’ve included many examples that make me face difficulties in life.
While there is no “one-size-fits-all” list of signs that someone might be autistic, there are certain behaviors and characteristics that are commonly associated with autism.
In this article, we will explore five potential signs that you might be autistic.
Your Obsessions Are Intense
Because our brains are built differently than neurotypical (non-autistic) persons, autistic people typically develop intense passions for certain subjects.
Since autistic people may have a more difficult time sifting out irrelevant facts, their interests may be more in-depth and intense.
This single-mindedness may help individuals hone in on the specifics of their hobbies and provide them peace and familiarity.
It may help people deal with stress and get perspective on their surroundings. Having these passions might provide autistic persons with a feeling of belonging and direction in life.
Having these kinds of obsessions might tell you’re autistic.
Interaction With Other People is Difficult
Autistic people may have difficulty interacting with other people for a number of reasons.
One reason is that we may have difficulty understanding social cues or rules, which can make it hard for them to navigate social situations or interpret the intentions of others.
But that’s not the only thing.
There are a lot of things that “we” understand but simply cannot act on. For example, I know how these social things work, but my brains just block and I can’t do what I would want.
Autistic people may also have difficulty with nonverbal communication, such as eye contact or facial expressions.
Often Overstimulated
Autistic people may get overstimulated because their brains process sensory information differently than neurotypical (non-autistic) people.
We may be more sensitive to certain stimuli, such as loud noises or bright lights, which can make it difficult for us to filter out unnecessary information and can lead to sensory overload.
When we become overstimulated, we may feel overwhelmed or anxious and may have a hard time regulating our emotions or behavior.
Overstimulation can also make it difficult for them to focus on tasks or engage in social interactions.
Autistic people may use coping mechanisms, such as avoiding certain stimuli or engaging in repetitive behaviors, to help them manage their overstimulation and reduce their anxiety.
You Need Structure
Autistic people may need structure because it helps them feel more secure and can make it easier for them to process and understand the world around them.
Having a predictable routine or structure can help autistic people anticipate what is going to happen next and can provide a sense of control over their environment.
This can make it easier for them to cope with and make sense of new or unfamiliar situations.
Structure can also help autistic people feel more comfortable and reduce anxiety, as it provides a sense of predictability and familiarity.
It can help autistic people with organization and task completion, as it allows them to break tasks down into smaller, manageable steps and provides a clear plan for how to complete them.
Eating Certain Foods
Some people with autism may also have sensory processing difficulties, which can make it challenging for them to eat certain foods.
Sensory processing difficulties refer to the way the brain interprets and responds to sensory information from the environment.
People with autism may have oversensitive or undersensitive responses to different stimuli, including the taste, texture, and temperature of foods. They may also be picky eaters and have a limited range of foods that they are willing to eat. (like me)
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, there are many signs that may indicate that someone is autistic.
These include difficulty with social interaction and communication, repetitive behaviors and routines, sensitivity to sensory stimuli, and limited interests or activities.
Now. The other side: if you know someone that’s autistic:
- Educate yourself in a proper way.
- Be patient and understanding.
- Be flexible.
- Help them become independent; the sooner the better.
Thanks for reading my article on a topic that’s very important to me.